Why does a rainbow bring so much joy to your heart? There is an allowance of the inner child to come forth and giggle with glee. A deep sense of wonderment long forgotten, yet instantaneously brought forth as you see the rainbow. We look up and stare mesmerized by the mystical event. What is it about rainbows that evokes these emotions within all humans whatever their age? Inevitable it will bring a smile to your lips and a profound sense of peace to your heart. The rainbow is symbolic of a promise and commitment Spirit offered to all of us. This promise stands throughout all dimensions and goes into all realms. A bond so secure and serene that your soul always responds to that memory. Think of the rainbow as your well-being net. You are flying high above, exploring all the aspects of the human existence. All the while with the inner knowledge that you have Spirit’s oath made to your soul! The rainbow creates a bridge, not only for the leprechaun and his pot of gold, although you will find him there, also find spirit’s unconditional love. Feel the depth of the understanding and remembering of that relationship you share with the creator. This understanding reaches deep inside of you the depths of your soul. Bringing to the forefront your higher self’s wonderous knowing of your relationship with the creator. Therefore, Rainbows are celebrated by all humans on earth. Nature Angels About Lisa Rivers, Angelic Soul Partner
Lisa Rivers, owner of Angelic Answers and Angelic Ascension Tours, has had the honor to access a clear channel since the age of 5 from Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Nature and Animal Spirits and Otherworld Entities for people's highest good. These messages are shared with you to offer spiritual enhancement, unconditional love and heart centered guidance. Her wings and 3rd eye vision allow her entrance into magical realms. She hears angels’ answers on the wind and see spirits in nature. Her Training Includes Certified Angel Therapist Practitioner, Angel Card Reader, Angel Healing Practitioner and Reiki Level II Specialist.
Channeled MESSAGES from Lisa Rivers,
Angelic Soul Partner Messages
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