Dear Lisa, I would like for you to give me an angelic reading for my problems. This problem has been occurring since my birth to the extent that it is currently affecting all of my children. Two of my children have abandoned their university education [schooling] and turned garage boys [touts]. What a sadness! Why do I constantly have problems upon problems all the time? Please rescue me out of this chronic problem. Thank you, Actor in Nigeria Answer:Dearest Actor in Nigeria,
You are a man of great faith, and with much love in your heart. This is felt and seen by others. Archangel Metatron is working alongside you to help. You are powerful and will move beyond your humble beginnings. Although your life was challenging at the start, you see the truth and feel it in your heart. You lead by example and in time your sons will mature and follow you. The angels want me to remind you that your town, has more twin births than anywhere else in the world! That's not an accident, I am being shown that it's a blessing, twins in general are very spiritually gifted. Even in twins born at the same time, their personalities are different, this suggests the basis of destiny and your soul. Twins have ability to be able to communicate without talking, which means that inter-communication ability is stronger in twins. Frequently they know when the other needs them even if they are far apart. There are many stories in the history of your village, put them into a format for all to read. I am told that many world-wide, will want to read about twins and your life in Igboora, and find it fascinating. Write about what having twins means and how it effects the family and your town. Talk about what life’s like in that part of Nigeria. This will lead you to a greater inflow of abundance. You have much to share from your experience and there is a reason why you where born there. Sending you much love and many blessings, Lisa Rivers Ask Lisa Listens anything and get a free channeled response. Your angels are waiting! Here is the link to submit your question. Comments are closed.
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January 2020