Follow your bliss! What does that mean? Many different thinks to many different people. For we are all here with a unique life purpose. A purpose that is etched in past lives lessons. Lessons learned and won through the ability to hold your true essence, LOVE, throughout all your human experiences.
A life purpose that was selected by you and your spiritual team. This purpose is designed to bring your personal growth, joy and divine fulfillment. See the signs that have been laid out for you since birth! Notice the steps carefully planned into your childhood to provide the foundation. Find the messages sent daily for your increased awareness. Notice the precise synchronicity, of meeting the right people at the right time. Or being exactly where you needed to be to receive the gift of advancement or awareness. How, you may be asking yourself will I know the correct path? Can I correctly interpret and follow the signals? Am I divinely guided or fooling myself? The answer is purposefully quite simple… Follow your Bliss!
There is a powerful web of oneness that flows within and throughout and surrounds all things.
All of nature, the animal kingdom, humans and the galaxy and beyond are bond with this web of Love! When you feel this connection, in the allowing, there will be felt a powerful sensation of unconditional love. This imposing brotherhood and comradery will lead you to God and the Ascension. We are among you now, leading the way. Watch for us! For you are and always have been our bothers in spirit. Trust that your foot will be firmly planted on the next step for it then surely will be! Know that as you think it, and then as you dream it, you ultimately create it!
Feel the peace and assuredness of your decision. Deeply breath this energy into all cells of your body and digest the great comfort and relief this breath provides your soul. Rest assured of the wonderous outcome of the miraculous new adventure. Respite in the understanding that all is patiently waiting for you to arrive and accept the new direction! Energize the thoughts, breath, passion, love and light into those miraculous ideas. Be the light that others may follow. Boldly walk forward in that direction! Defy any falsely perceived obstacles as you walk on by them, without a moment hesitation. Fearlessly step forward into the world of creation! Where you are the master of your destiny and paint the colors of your life. Feel this empowerment and relish in what that genuinely means, and all the while remember who you truly are. Seeker of the light, the path is well-lit and clearly shown to you. Although at times the path meanders left then right, walk confidently towards your dreams. Look below the surface… for the answers you seek are there! They will reveal themselves to you in time, divine time. Seek the light, and the warm amber glow of my energy will gently guide you on your path to the fulfillment of your destiny.
Now, step forward with all certainty that you are loved dear ones. For most assuredly you are loved and cherished, indeed very much so. The evening stars will adorn your life with charms and gifts. The way is filled with love, always love, and a sense of gentleness that leads you back to who you are. Come dance with me in the moonlight, and I will lighten not only your path, but your burdens and heart as well. |
Lisa RiversI feel honored to channel information from my guides and Arch Angels to pass onto you to enjoy and use for your highest good. Lessons
February 2019