The winds of change are blowing! Feel the comfort of the breeze as it gently caresses your body. Sense the understanding, love and messages coming through on the soft sounds. Hear what is being said to you! Sense the understanding, love and messages coming through on the soft sounds.
Smell and anticipate the scents of possibility! Allow the current to lift you and your soul to new heights, ascension and expansion are here. Watch as the shift occurs rearranging all for your highest good. See the placing of opportunities and people on your path. Relax and find the peace gently engulfing your body and your mind. As you tap into the universal pool of God’s wisdom, all answers are there! Waiting to be beckoned, calling your soul’s name on the sweet sound of the breeze. Causing movement, change and a swaying rhythm allowing you to dance. Bringing forth a blending of the earth’s gifts and human’s consciousness carefully, flittering through the existing form to tenderly offer a new position or stance. All through the beauty of the wind’s dance.
Lisa RiversI feel honored to channel information from my guides and Arch Angels to pass onto you to enjoy and use for your highest good. Lessons
February 2019