Clouds are the manifestation of thoughts! They are evidence of the Grace of God. Clouds present a portrait for you to view and offer messages, signs and easily become a divination tool. They provide a futuristic path to discern what is to come. Clouds will show you energy portals and vortexes on the earth for they can mimic or mirror what is below them. As Above So Below Clouds are easily manipulated by past loved ones and the angelic realm. Look to the sky to receive a visualization of the response to your question. Clouds display a story and generate great joy into your life. Just lie in the grass with a young child and let your imagination have fun. See the shapes and feel the light heartedness this brings. Clouds will provide an instantaneous connection with nature. They offer us an ability to see an upcoming storm. Witness the patterns that are created and the speed with which they move. These are indicators of upcoming events. Such a beautiful and wonderous gift. Today look up and see the clouds. Genuinely perceive this emerging connection that the universe is bestowing on you. Nature Angels, Elementals and Wind Fairies About Lisa Rivers, Angelic Soul Partner
Lisa Rivers, owner of Angelic Answers and Angelic Ascension Tours, has had the honor to access a clear channel since the age of 5 from Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Nature and Animal Spirits and Otherworld Entities for people's highest good. These messages are shared with you to offer spiritual enhancement, unconditional love and heart centered guidance. Her wings and 3rd eye vision allow her entrance into magical realms. She hears angels’ answers on the wind and see spirits in nature. Her Training Includes Certified Angel Therapist Practitioner, Angel Card Reader, Angel Healing Practitioner and Reiki Level II Specialist.
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Do you see the way the wind carries across the water? How it causes patterns and ripples, it is a sacred ancient dance. Have you notice how at times, it seems to move the water in various directions simultaneously? Did you notice the grace and ease with which this energy flows? Sense the natural rhythm of nature and touch her soul. Embody Gaia’s heartbeat, that sweet sound that mother earth is sending. Fill your lungs with this energy. Breathe deeply and allow it to enter and fill you with love and compassion. Align yourself with the natural movement of nature, and let the peace and joy fill your heart. We are all one! The essence of your brethren is all around you acknowledge the bond. Archangel Jophiel About Lisa Rivers, Angelic Soul Partner
Lisa Rivers, owner of Angelic Answers and Angelic Ascension Tours, has had the honor to access a clear channel since the age of 5 from Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Nature and Animal Spirits and Otherworld Entities for people's highest good. These messages are shared with you to offer spiritual enhancement, unconditional love and heart centered guidance. Her wings and 3rd eye vision allow her entrance into magical realms. She hears angels’ answers on the wind and see spirits in nature. Her Training Includes Certified Angel Therapist Practitioner, Angel Card Reader, Angel Healing Practitioner and Reiki Level II Specialist. Why are you so concerned with the end result? When the next step is clearly provided. Is it truly necessary to view the entire path, every turn or stone on this journey? Can you blissfully follow the energetic flow of the ‘next step’? For this process surely will bring you to your goals. Taking that Leap of Faith is essential, for it assists in the manifestation not only of the direction but the entire outcome? Putting that step forward instructs the universe that you are ready and advises the natural energetic ebb and flow to begin progression. Do you see? To move forward into uncharted territory necessitates the energetic flow of faith! To propel your soul on the mystical journey we call life. So dear ones, understand to steam along that energetic flow of abundance and good will, first you must take that NEXT STEP and trust that the entire journey is laid out for your pleasure. All is in accord with the magnificent design that you co-created and fashioned before your grand entrance to earth. So, laugh and go forward for the road will surely rise to meet you. St. Germain About Lisa Rivers, Angelic Soul Partner Lisa Rivers, owner of Angelic Answers and Angelic Ascension Tours, has had the honor to access a clear channel since the age of 5 from Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Nature and Animal Spirits and Otherworld Entities for people's highest good. These messages are shared with you to offer spiritual enhancement, unconditional love and heart centered guidance. Her wings and 3rd eye vision allow her entrance into magical realms. She hears angels’ answers on the wind and see spirits in nature. Her Training Includes Certified Angel Therapist Practitioner, Angel Card Reader, Angel Healing Practitioner and Reiki Level II Specialist. You are here hoping to gain. Listen to me closely: What you freely give away to others is what you gain for yourself. It is only within the act of love and purity of the gift that the cycle is completed, and the giver become the receiver! Fear not that you will be without. For in spiritual truth it is impossible! The universe responds to action and movement. So, within the action of kindness is the joy of the return. Again, I say that it is the purity of the gift’s intention, that this spiritual cycle is created. Give from the heart with the energy of love, compassion and care. All will be returned to you 10-fold. St. Germain About Lisa Rivers, Angelic Soul Partner
Lisa Rivers, owner of Angelic Answers and Angelic Ascension Tours, has had the honor to access a clear channel since the age of 5 from Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Nature and Animal Spirits and Otherworld Entities for people's highest good. These messages are shared with you to offer spiritual enhancement, unconditional love and heart centered guidance. Her wings and 3rd eye vision allow her entrance into magical realms. She hears angels’ answers on the wind and see spirits in nature. Her Training Includes Certified Angel Therapist Practitioner, Angel Card Reader, Angel Healing Practitioner and Reiki Level II Specialist. |
Channeled MESSAGES from Lisa Rivers,
Angelic Soul Partner Messages
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