The meaning of Bimini is Mother of Many Waters, Bibi (Mother) and Mini (Waters). Edgar Cayce spoke at length of the area now known as Bimini in the Bahamas during the period 20,000 BC. In all his references he talked of Bimini as a sacred and important area of Atlantis. Cayce predicted a discovery of a temple "near what is known as Bimini, off the coast of Florida. This temple contains the records of the manners of construction" of the firestone, which is said to be that which fires up the crystal healing grid of a series of temple complexes. Before the end of the last Ice Age (12,000-yrs ago) the ocean levels were at least 300 feet below their current levels. A vast "island" existed rather than a chain of islands. Edgar Cayce referred to Bimini as one of the mountaintops of ancient Atlantis. While few would consider the island a mountain, 12,000-years ago it was one of the highest points on a large land mass in the region. Bimini and Andros Island, lying about 100 miles to the east of Bimini, were a part of the same island in 10,000 B.C.—called "Poseidia” which sunk in 10,000 B.C. and is, according to Cayce, covered by "the slime of ages." Mysterious underwater formation Off the coast of Bimini, under crystal blue waters, ancient stone formations were discovered. Many believe that the mysterious road, paved with stone slabs, is part of Atlantis. This was linked with the prediction from Edgar Cayce, 1938 that “Atlantis, or part of the temples would rise from under sea in the area of Bimini. It will be 68 or 69”. Bimini road was discovered in 1968, and many perceived this as the fulfillment of Cayce’s prediction. About Lisa Rivers, Angelic Soul Partner Lisa Rivers, owner of Angelic Answers and Angelic Ascension Tours, has had the honor to access a clear channel since the age of 5 from Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Nature and Animal Spirits and Otherworld Entities for people's highest good. These messages are shared with you to offer spiritual enhancement, unconditional love and heart centered guidance. Her wings and 3rd eye vision allow her entrance into magical realms. She hears angels’ answers on the wind and see spirits in nature. Her training includes: Certified Angel Therapist Practitioner, Angel Card Reader, Angel Healing Practitioner and Reiki Level II Specialist. New Atlantis Rising: Bimini Blue Tour
July 14 - July 19, 2019 6 days - 5 nights For more information, click here. 954-644-9232
Lisa RiversI feel honored to channel information from my guides and Arch Angels to pass onto you to enjoy and use for your highest good. Lessons
February 2019